When Wave FC joined the NWSL just over a year ago, our goal was to do things differently. We wanted to set a new standard for professional sports by creating an environment where players feel safe, supported, and valued. Many of us had trained in environments that fell short of the standards we thought a professional sports club should be held to. From the beginning, Wave FC has committed resources to ensure player and staff welfare and well-being are central to everything we do.

In the days immediately following the release of the Yates investigation report, there have been many conversations across our organization between players, team president, general manager, coaching staff and the front office to discuss the details of the report and collaborate on the path forward.

As an immediate next step, we are publicizing the Club’s Protocols and Commitments to Safety and Welfare and will continue to evaluate these protocols both internally and in partnership with the league as we move forward. The goal of sharing this is to ensure our fans and supporters know the resources we have in place and the ongoing actions we plan to take. We also hope our club’s approach will strengthen other professional and youth environments.

We are proud to wear the Wave FC crest and represent the city of San Diego and surrounding areas. We stand together with the current and former NWSL players who have bravely come forward and shared their stories. They inspire us to improve player and staff welfare and safety at all levels of the game.


With profound commitment,
Wave FC Players + Wave FC