A-Z Guide

A-Z Guide
For the full A-Z guide regarding Snapdragon Stadium information, please visit snapdragonstadium.com.
Snapdragon Stadium is a facility that is compliant with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), and the staff takes a great effort to make accommodations for our disabled guests. Please visit the Accessibility page for further information.
Adult Changing Stations:
Adult changing stations are made available in the family restrooms located near the following sections:
Main Concourse: Section 101 and Section 122
Upper Concourse: Section 326
The local airport in San Diego is San Diego International Airport (SAN), approximately 5 miles southwest of Snapdragon Stadium. To get to Snapdragon Stadium, access I-5 South, take CA-163 North, then take I-8 East, take I-15 North, exit 7B toward Friars Road West and arrive at Snapdragon Stadium on the left.
For safety purposes, all aisles must remain clear during events – no lingering or dancing allowed in the aisles.
Guests must follow the following guidelines:
- All guests must consume alcohol responsibly
- California liquor regulations prohibit guests from bringing alcoholic beverages into Snapdragon Stadium.
- No person who is visibly intoxicated may enter Snapdragon Stadium.
- Guests cannot exit the stadium with any alcoholic beverages.
- Alcohol sales will conclude at all concession stands at the 75th minute.
Service animals and service animals in training are permitted at Snapdragon Stadium. In keeping with U.S. ADA regulations, disabled guests may use an animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the guest. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the guest’s disability. Animals that solely provide emotional support or companionship to a guest will not be permitted inside the stadium. All other animals or pets are prohibited.
Download our new mobile app and keep the team at your finger tips all season long! Access and manage your tickets, shop the team store, and stay up to date with the latest news right on your phone. Available on Apple and Android devices here for download.
Assistive Listening Devices:
Assisted Listening Devices are available for check-out for no charge at Guest Services located behind Sections 101, 114, 135 & 328.
ATMs (Reverse ATMs):
Reverse ATMs are available onsite to load cash onto a pre-paid debit card for easy ordering at our cashless concessions and retail locations. Reverse ATMs are located inside the southeast and southwest entries.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED):
AED units are located throughout Snapdragon Stadium. AEDs may be used by anyone in the case of an emergency. AED units are available at the following locations:
- Event Level: Field Club, Security Command and Training Room
- Lower Suite Level: Elevator Lobby and Outside Restroom
- Main Concourse: First Aid
- Upper Suite Level: Press Box
- Upper Concourse: First Aid
Baby Bags, Bottles, and Formula:
Large backpacks and bags are not permitted into the facility. However, any items – bag included – needed to take care of a baby will be allowed under security supervisor’s discretion, and all items are subject to search.
Baby Changing Tables:
For your convenience, baby changing tables are located in all restrooms throughout Snapdragon Stadium.
Bag Policy:
Snapdragon Stadium is a clear bag only venue. Guests are encouraged to limit the number of items they bring with them to the Stadium. Only (1) one of the following style and size bag, package, or container per person:
- Bags that are clear plastic or clear vinyl and do not exceed 12” x 6” x 12” or a one-gallon clear plastic freezer bag.
- Purses, bags, or clutches no larger than 4.5” x 6.5”.
Prohibited bags include but are not limited to large purses, coolers, briefcases, backpacks, luggage of any kind, computer bags or any bag larger than the permissible size.
Bag check lockers will be available for purchase outside the stadium on the east side.
This policy is not intended to interfere with guests attending with specific medical needs or guests caring for young children.
Ball Return Policy:
Any ball that enters the seating area must be returned to the field of play by giving the ball to game day staff.
Banners, Posters, & Signs:
Snapdragon Stadium welcomes fan support including banners and signs. Banners, posters, and signs must be no larger than 24’’ x 36’’. All items are subject to content review – disrespectful, obscene and/or vulgar messages will not be allowed. We ask that guests do not place signs, posters or banners on any railings, seatbacks or obstruct other guests’ view of the field or any in-stadium digital signage.
Beach Balls (Inflatables):
Inflatable items (such as beach balls, balloons, dolls, costumes, etc.) are prohibited inside the stadium. Please refer to Prohibited Items for a complete list of items not allowed inside the stadium.
Bicycle Parking:
Bicycle racks are located outside the Northwest Gate, Northeast Gate and along the east side of the stadium. Guests are responsible for bringing their own locks and locking up their bikes properly. Snapdragon Stadium is not liable for any lost or stolen property.
Binoculars are permitted to be carried into the stadium. Binocular cases are not permitted into the stadium.
Boardwalk Fest (Fan Fest):
Boardwalk Fest will be open 3.5 hours prior to kick-off on the east side of the stadium on the grass lots next to Innovation Parkway. Boardwalk Fest will conclude 30 minutes prior to scheduled kick-off.
Bottles, Cans, & Beverage Containers:
Sealed water bottles (unfrozen) as well as empty refillable water bottles no larger than 32oz are allowed into the stadium. All other bottles, cans, or beverage containers are not allowed into Snapdragon Stadium. A search will be conducted at the entrance gates to prevent these and other prohibited items from entering the Stadium. Exceptions will be made for those with medical requirements and/or special needs.
Box Office:
Snapdragon Stadium box office is located next to the Southeast Gate and can be accessed off Victory Drive.
Box Office Hours:
Wednesday – Friday, 10AM-6PM
*Hours vary for events scheduled on weekends and holidays.
Non-professional, non-flash, still photography is permitted at most events (disposable, digital, or 35mm cameras with lenses no longer than 6″). Video and audio recording is prohibited. Please note that some shows will have a different camera policy. Tripods and monopods are not permitted.
Cashless Venue:
Snapdragon Stadium is a cashless facility. All points-of-sale are credit, debit or gift card only. Reverse ATMs are available at the southeast and northeast entries.
Children three (3) years and younger will be admitted free and must sit on a ticket holder’s lap. All children 4 years of age and older need a ticket to attend.
Code of Conduct:
San Diego Wave FC continuously strives to contribute a high standard in guest experience within our league as well as the Sports and Entertainment Industry. San Diego Wave FC pledges to maintain a synergetic, safe, and inclusive community for all to enjoy the beautiful game and support women’s soccer. The following Code of Conduct is presented to address conduct that is inconsistent with these goals and detracts from the community’s experience. Any violations of this Code of Conduct may result in disciplinary actions for a group or individual.
Please note that this Code of Conduct applies equally to online interactions and in-person events.
The following conduct is prohibited in the Stadium and all parking lots, facilities and areas controlled by the Club.
- All fans must always abide by all local and federal laws.
- Discriminatory or hateful language, symbols, or gestures, including but not limited to racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, transphobic, and religious intolerant remarks, and iconography.
- Behavior that is illegal, disruptive, threatening, or violent in nature, including verbal, physical, or virtual harassment of match officials, players, staff, or other patrons.
- Improper/Fraudulent resale of tickets
- Possession of Prohibited Items*
- Throwing items of any kind onto the field.
- Entering or attempting to enter any location other than that permitted by your ticket or credential. (i.e.. Field, Player Tunnel, etc.)
- Refusal to promptly return a ball that enters the stands.
Conduct which results in damage to the venue or other individual property. - Irresponsible consumption or use of alcohol or other substances.
- Failing to follow venue rules or requests from staff regarding stadium operations, policies, and emergency response procedures.
- Failure to abide by the San Diego Wave FC Code of Conduct may result in, but is not limited to the following:
- Ejection without refund
- Temporarily denied entry to future matches/events
- Season ticket membership revoked
- Permanently suspended from all San Diego Wave FC matches/events
For the safety and privacy of our guests, spectators, partner teams, promoters and property, the use or flying of drones in and over our airspace, parking lots, and roadways without prior approval is strictly prohibited and is subject to federal penalties
Elevators & Lifts:
- Four (4) located central of the west concourse with access to all levels.
- One (1) located in the west side premium spaces.
- One (1) located on the northwest concourse behind Sections 134/333 for access from Main Concourse to Upper Suite Level and Upper Concourse.
- One (1) located behind section 120 for access to the Sycuan Piers.
- Wheelchair lifts are available in sections C-125, C-131.
Emergency Evacuation:
Trained staff and security will ensure the security and safety of all guests, performers, and employees. In the case of an emergency, guests must comply with requests from venue staff regarding stadium operations and emergency response procedures.
Snapdragon Stadium has a total of five (5) main public entrances. Premium Lobby Entrance on the west side, Northwest Gate, Kaiser Permanente (Northeast) Gate, Quidel (East) Gate and Southeast Gate.
Family Restrooms:
Family restrooms are designed for the use of fans with small children and fans with disabilities throughout the stadium. Family restrooms are gender neutral restrooms.
Field Access:
Guests are prohibited from accessing the field-of-play before, during or after the game or match unless they are properly credentialed or accompanied by an authorized staff member. Violators are subject to arrest.
First Aid:
First Aid stations are located at the Southwest corner of the Main Concourse (behind Sections 223/224) and behind Section 328 on the Upper Concourse.
Food Allergies:
For the safety of our fans, Snapdragon Stadium will permit guests with food allergies to bring food into Snapdragon Stadium intended for individual consumption. Please inform the staff upon arrival at gates.
Food & Beverage Policies:
Sealed water bottles (unfrozen) as well as empty refillable water bottles no larger than 32oz are allowed into the stadium. All other bottles, cans, or beverage containers are not allowed into Snapdragon Stadium. Exceptions will be made for those with medical requirements and/or special needs.
We currently offer in-seat service in Premium areas of the Stadium.
Sealed water bottles (unfrozen) as well as empty refillable water bottles no larger than 32oz are allowed into the stadium. All other bottles, cans, or beverage containers are not allowed into Snapdragon Stadium. Exceptions will be made for those with medical requirements and/or special needs.
Gate Opening Times:
All stadium gates open 2 hours prior to kickoff.
Gender-Neutral Restrooms:
Family restrooms are designated gender-neutral restrooms and can be found near the following sections: 101, 105, 108, 115, 122, 135, 141, 32
Guest Code of Conduct:
Our team members will proactively ensure the following:
- Guests refrain from smoking or in the stadium and on the stadium grounds (this includes all tobacco products, vaping or related).
- Alcoholic beverages are consumed in a responsible manner. Intervention with an impaired, intoxicated, or underage guest is handled in a prompt and safe manner
- Guests present their tickets when requested and sit only in their ticketed location
- Guests refrain from fighting, throwing objects or attempting to enter the field, stage or restricted areas without appropriate credentials.
- Guest refrain from using offensive language or obscene gestures.
- Inappropriate or indecent clothing or indecent exposure will not be allowed.
- Guests follow all stadium policies and emergency response procedures.
- Guests respect players, coaches, officials, stadium staff and contracted service providers, stadium property, and as well as other guests.
Guests are encouraged to report any inappropriate behavior to the nearest team member or text (619) 393-5705. Guests who choose not to comply with the Guest Code of Conduct will be subject to ejection without refund and may be in violation of city or state ordinances resulting in possible arrest and prosecution.
Snapdragon Stadium and San Diego Wave FC thank you for complying with the Guest Code of Conduct.
Guest Services:
Guests Service locations can be found behind Sections 101, 114, 135, 328. Guests Services can assist fans with lost & found inquiries, lost children or guests, directions and accommodations with Assistive Listening Devices.
Text (619) 393-5705 for issues.
Housekeeping & Maintenance:
Snapdragon Stadium aims to provide our guests with a safe, clean and friendly environment at all times. Please contact any Snapdragon Stadium or San Diego Wave FC staff with housekeeping needs or concerns during an event.
Text (619) 393-5705 for issues.
Lockers-Bag Check:
Locker bag check trailers will be available for select events on the east side of the stadium for a fee.
Lost & Found:
Guests looking to claim, or report lost items during an event should visit Guest Services behind sections 101, 114, 135 and 328. Guests inquiring about items lost at a previous event may contact guest services at (619) 564-7940.
Lost Children and Fans:
Please contact any Snapdragon Stadium or event staff in the case of a lost child or guest. Staff members are unable to make PA announcements during events but will be able to alert all staff to help locate the child or guest.
Visit the Wave FC Team Store located near the southeast gate or at our two merch booths within the concourse located near the northwest gate and the Kaiser Permanente (northeast) gate.
Mobile Lockers:
Locker bag check trailers will be available for select events on the east side of the stadium for a fee.
Mobile Tickets:
All Snapdragon Stadium tickets are digital. This means your phone will be your ticket. We encourage you to save your ticket in your smartphone’s wallet for easy access when you arrive at the stadium. For information on how to access your mobile tickets, visit our FAQ page. You may also access your tickets via the San Diego Wave FC mobile app, which you can download here.
Noise-Making Devices:
Musical instruments or any type of noise-making device are prohibited in Snapdragon Stadium. Any exceptions will be at the sole discretion of Snapdragon Stadium and San Diego Wave FC management.
We highly encourage pre-paying for parking prior to arrival. For more information on parking and to purchase parking passes, visit our Transportation page.
Parent Rooms:
Parent rooms provide a quiet and private space for nursing parents, guests with infants and children and anyone seeking a quiet space during the game. Parent rooms are located throughout Snapdragon Stadium on the Main Concourse at Sections 223/224 and on the Upper Concourse at Section 332.
Premium Seating:
For additional information on our Premium seating areas, please visit sandiegowavefc.com/premium-tickets/.
Prohibited Items:
- Amplified music, bullhorns or speakers
- Audio or video recording devices
- Bats and sticks – including signs with sticks
- Bags larger than 12″ x 6″ x 12.” Only clear bags smaller than 12” x 6” x 12” or purses or clutches no larger than 4.5” x 6.5” are allowed.
- Banners and signs larger than 24” x 36’’ – all signs will be reviewed for content
- Beach balls or other inflatable items
- Bubble-making devices
- Beverages – including alcohol (add water language)
- Bicycles
- Bottles, cans or containers — empty or full; glass, plastic or aluminum. Please see Bottles, cans and beverage container policy for more information regarding allowed water bottles and exceptions for medical and special needs.
- Cameras with detachable lenses over 6″
- Chains, wallet chains and spiked jewelry or clothing
- Drones, unmanned aerial vehicles or other motorized vehicles/devices
- Drugs or other illegal substances/paraphernalia (including medical marijuana)
- Firearms
- Fireworks or other incendiary devices
- Folding chairs, stools and lawn furniture
- Footballs, soccer balls, frisbees or any other sporting equipment
- Glow sticks
- Ice chests and coolers
- Knives of any kind
- Laser devices and pointers
- Mace and pepper spray
- Noisemakers and whistles (conch shells)
- Obscene or offensive clothing
- Pets – except for service animals
- Segways and hoverboards
- Selfie sticks
- Skateboards and scooters
- Tents and shade structures
- Skateboards and rollerblades
- Umbrellas
- Weapons of any kind
- Strollers – Strollers are permitted. Strollers need to be stored under the ticketed seat or designated stroller areas.
- GoPro Cameras
Guests are encouraged to leave prohibited items at home or in their car or check at the Lockers provided on the east side of the stadium. All items are subject to search prior to stadium entry. Any guest intentionally possessing a prohibited item inside Snapdragon Stadium is subject to ejection from the stadium and may be subject to criminal arrest and prosecution.
Stadium management reserve the right to adjust entry policies at their sole discretion without any prior notice. Please note, special events taking place at Snapdragon Stadium may require different policies.
Re-entry Policy:
Re-entry is not allowed at Snapdragon Stadium.
Reporting Fan Conduct:
Text information to (619) 393-5705
Restrooms are available throughout all levels of Snapdragon Stadium at following locations:
- Family Restrooms
- Gender-Neutral Restrooms
- Adult Changing Locations (Section #)
- Baby Changing Locations
Ride Share & Taxi Services:
Click here for ride share information.
Sanitizing Stations:
Hand sanitizing stations will be made available upon entry and located throughout the stadium for your convenience.
Season Tickets:
For Season Ticket information visit sandiegowavefc.com/season-tickets. All tickets are digital at Snapdragon Stadium. No screenshots of tickets or any ticket produced by an unauthorized source will be accepted either. For information on how to access your Account Manager, visit our FAQ page.
Sensory Rooms:
Any guest looking for a quiet space during the game may utilize our Parents Rooms located throughout the stadium. Please see Parents Room for more information.
Service Animals:
Service animals and service animals in training are permitted at Snapdragon Stadium. In keeping with U.S. ADA regulations, disabled guests may use an animal that is individually trained to do work or perform tasks for the guest. The work or tasks performed by the service animal must be directly related to the guest’s disability. Animals that solely provide emotional support or companionship to a guest will not be permitted inside the stadium. All other animals or pets are prohibited.
Smoking Policy:
Snapdragon Stadium is a facility of San Diego State University. As of January 2014, there is no smoking of any kind permitted on the SDSU campus. There is no smoking allowed within the stadium gates, or stadium property, which includes the use of electronic cigarettes and vaping devices. Please visit SDSU Smoking Policy Page for further detail
Strollers are permitted. Strollers need to be stored under the ticketed seat or designated stroller areas.
Information on tailgating can be found here.
Team Store:
The Team Store is located adjacent to the southeast gate at Snapdragon Stadium.
Tickets can be purchased online at sandiegowavefc.com/tickets. All tickets are digital at Snapdragon Stadium. No screenshots of tickets or any ticket produced by an unauthorized source will be accepted either. For information on how to access and add your tickets to your mobile wallet, visit our FAQ page. You may also access your tickets via the San Diego Wave FC mobile app, which you can download here.
Tobacco Products:
Tobacco (including smokeless, electronic cigarettes, vapor devices, etc.) use is prohibited at Snapdragon Stadium.
Visit our Transportation page for all information.
Umbrellas are not allowed inside Snapdragon Stadium. Please see Prohibited Items.
Sealed water bottles (unfrozen) as well as empty refillable water bottles no larger than 32oz are allowed into the stadium. Water is served at all of the concession stands. Drinking fountains and refill stations can be found throughout the concourse.
Complimentary Wi-Fi is available for all guests throughout Snapdragon Stadium.